
Cheryl Marks Young
Allergy Myth Busting: Gluten isn't Wheat's Nickname

Allergy Myth Busting: Gluten isn't Wheat's Nickname

There’s that moment in the allergist’s office just before you receive the allergy test results: You draw a breath in and play out all the scenarios in your mind, leaning in to the fervent hope that this will all turn out to be nothing. And then the doctor gives you the news. Your child is, in fact, allergic to the foods you suspected. Now what?

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Cheryl Marks Young
You Want How Many Layers in That Cake?

You Want How Many Layers in That Cake?

An allergy safe seven layer cake that we call our version of death by chocolate. The kids heard about my famous 24 hour New Years 7 Layer Cake and wanted to make their own safe version. Next round will be a vanilla cake version. This was fun and easy and the kids gave it the thumbs up. By the way, there are vegetables in that cake so it is healthy and allergy safe.  The cake filling layers are made with homemade pudding and the outer layer is homemade chocolate ganache poured over the top and on the sides. The trick...

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Cheryl Marks Young
When in French Class, Let 'Em Eat Allergy Safe Cake

When in French Class, Let 'Em Eat Allergy Safe Cake

Our son is taking French this Semester and he brought home the dreaded permission slip for a Mardi Gras party.  Every child was asked to bring in something from the list and a party would be held in the classroom.  My first response was not something I could repeat out loud.  I took a deep breath and asked my son what he wanted to do.  He wanted to participate, so true to form, I sent an email to the teacher asking for some recipes for King's Cake and asking for details of how she planned to manage the day with...

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Cheryl Marks Young
Worrier or Warrior - Which One Are You?

Worrier or Warrior - Which One Are You?

Sometimes being a food allergy family with a long list can be exciting and gross. These are the moments the Warrior comes out and the Worrier must be put aside. The kids were eating dinner and I was closing down my email and had my back to the table for a moment. Alex was making a plate for himself in the kitchen. Then I heard that horrible and dreaded sound and jumped in surprise. To hear Alex tell it, I jumped to the ceiling. There was Ethan losing his dinner all over the table and floor and then also for...

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